WildSeed Society's Brown Bag Series: Building Movements For This Moment

Jan 13, 2025

This online event was primarily for funders who wanted to hear directly from movements about the infrastructure investments and changes in philanthropic culture and praxis needed to fight authoritarianism and build democracy in this moment.

The presentation explained what social movements are and why they are best hope for building a democratic future. Part of focusing on movements means funders moving from a professional culture to a movement solidarity culture. 



You can view the slides from the presentation here

This Brown Bag series will explore lessons learned from the last years of Trump Administration and how those lessons can inform our strategy moving forward. Further it will offer an outline of possible strategy for building new movement infrastructure that can support movements in this morning. It will feature organizations holding down aspects of the strategy that funders can consider funding.

The pillars of the strategy include:

  • Building Liberatory Movement Culture and Telling A New Story of Revolution
  • Resourcing Organization As A Vocation
  • Resourcing Movement Defense
  • Resourcing Recovery, Not Just The Fight
  • Resource Regenerative Movement Economies

With Trumpism in power in the House, Senate, Supreme Court and many local governments movements face threats they are not currently equipped to handle. Fortunately, we have learned some lessons from the last Trump administration that, with funder resources, we can turn into practical movement infrastructure that can resist the destruction of movements and erosion of our freedoms. By partnering with movements capable of holding down aspects of this strategy we hope to support funders in getting money to where it is needed quickly and strategically.


If you would like to financially support this work, please consider donating here.

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